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Category Archives: Link Farm

Italian Trade Commish on Recession, Exports

Italy’s Trade Commissioner Aniello Musella on how the economy has hurt the luxury goods and eyewear markets.

Link Farm – Multimedia (Shark Tank)

“Money has no soul…it doesn’t care”.   Take a look at Shark Tank, a reality tv show from ABC where aspiring entrepreneurs have to prove their stuff to a panel of self made investors.  A few kernels of wisdom and inspiration lie within…

Link Farm – Multimedia (The Father of Invention)


An interesting piece from Nightline this past Friday night August 7th.

The Father of Invention

Staying Positive in Negative Territory

A nice reminder going into the weekend about the power of  positive thinking!

Happiness Amid the Wreckage.thumbs-up1

Link Farm

Yo-yo in HandYo Yo Is Far From End of Its String

Recessione, Anche Il NY Times Critica Obama

Nel Mirino Le Case di Piacere che Offrono Un Pachetto “Anti-Crisi”

New Jersey’s ‘Italian’ Problem

Link Farm – Multimedia "Twitter is Word of Mouth on Steroids"

Link Farm – Nibble on Your Feeds


“Snackr is a new Adobe AIR app that lets you display items in your RSS feeds in a beautiful scrolling ticker on any edge of your screen. I am absolutely giddy about it after only a few minutes of use. Snackr is something you’d supplement your existing reader with, not a replacement. It is not for the faint of heart or information averse, either.

If you’ve ever fantasized about having the river of news flow straight into your brain, this is the closest I’ve seen yet. I’ve uploaded a small OPML file of my top priority feeds, limited Snackr to displaying items from within the last 5 days and am in heaven.”  Marshall Kirkpatrick, Read Write Web

Admittedly I have only been using this tool for a day now, however, I can say that as a self-proclaimed King of All Media e’ molto divertente!  Check it out.

Link Farm


Paparazzo Stalks Berlusconi

Berlusconi Hosts G-8 at Difficult Time

Tutti Nudi al Lavoro Per Un Giorno

Dumbest Moments in Business 2009

Link Farm – Multimedia



(In these tough times a little humor is needed…Divertitevi!)

Link Farm – Multimedia (MTV: Il Testimone)

mtv-logoMentre facevo “lo zapping”  ho cercato un programma su MTV Italia che ha catturato la mia attenzione:  “Il Testimone” con il presentatore Pierfrancesco Diliberto (Pif).  Ho notato che questo programma ha qualcosa di nuovo e di molto interessante in quanto Pif “si propone, tralasciando i grandi fatti di cronaca e le prime pagine dei giornali, di raccontare il mondo e le realtà nascoste attraverso eventi e riti di transizione, per dare voce a storie e vicende che spieghino la realtà del Bel Paese (e non solo) con immagini attendibili.”   Sono molto interessanti le puntate in cui Pif si reca a New York per incontrare gli italiani che hanno realizzato “il sogno Americano” , sopratutto la sua intervista ai due gioiellieri italiani.

Che ne pensi del loro consiglio ai giovani Italiani che ancora vivono in Italia?