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Thanks for stopping by for some inspiring conversation about your business. Think of our time together as serving up a virtual latte along with a good chat about what’s happening to small businesses today.  You will hopefully find ideas to jumpstart or rethink ways of improving your bottom line.  The economic crisis has hit small businesses hard which is why this blog has been born.  Instead of ranting and raving about the sky is falling, we wanted to plant seeds that will help your business grow.  Comments about successes and challenges you’ve experienced are invited.  Consider, if you will, this platform as an idea exchange.  Want to change the conversation?  Chime in with your hot topic and let’s see where the discussion goes.

In times like this, our mantra at Tsirigo’s Orbit seems more important than ever, “We Drive Your Business Success by Keeping It Simple!” In short, our business is about building relationships. We have developed successful relationships with business partners and, in fact, have taken our approach to the sexiest, art-rich, foodiliscious place on the planet — Italy. In spite of the allure of this fabulous culture, Italian small businesses – the heart of the Italian economy – are being hit hard. That’s why both English and Italian language options are available to open up the doors to a global discussion. Part of our time is spent here in the U.S. running a consultancy and then we take our show on the Corso in Italia. Look for upcoming interviews with interesting Italian business people in the next couple of months.

Melissa and Bob bring very different backgrounds onto your virtual doorstep. We look forward to stepping into some great discussions designed to keep us all sane and afloat.